In South Florida a Probation Violation means ten days of jail in Fort Lauderdale before you see a judge. Fort Lauderale is in the 17th Judicial Circuit, it does not include Miami.

A willful and substantial violation of probation generates a probation officer filing a request for a pick-up order: i.e. a warrant.

In Fort Lauderale, Broward County Florida, by local custom every probation violator comes before the judge after a stay in the Fort Lauderdale jail.

The Clerk usually makes you wait ten days before scheduling a first violation of probation hearing. At that first hearing we deny or admit the violation(s).

If you admit then the judge can sentence you immediately.

A denial requies a full hearing. At the hearing the State must prove the violations before the judge can revoke, sentence or return you to probation.

For more information call a South Florida criminal defense lawyer.

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