Possession of a cellular phone in a Florida prison is a felony punishable by five years in prison.

Cellphones have been tossed over prison walls, smuggled in by guards, and sold for commissary rights. In fact in Texas prisons heroine sells for $50.00 and a cellphone for $200.00.

Citing Florida’s increase in cellphones being smuggled, corrections spokeswoman Ellyn Rackleff has been quoted as saying cellphones can be deadlier than weapons.

“We are constantly after the cell phones,” she said. “It really undermines the security for everyone there and for the public outside

In one word: everything.

An interview is a fact gathering contact. An interrogation is what the police do when you are a suspect and the purpose is to get an incriminating statement that can be used to convict you.

If you are talking to the police ask: is this an inteview or an interrogation?

Every first year police cadet knows the difference. If the officer doesn’t give you a clear answer STOP and ask for a lawyer.

The police know how to end run around your Miranda rights, it is done by setting you up for a “voluntary” statement, which is not the product of a police interrogation.

Your Miranda rights only apply when you are under arrest.

A “stop” and a “detention” come before an arrest. Remember; your Miranda rights only apply when you are in police custody under arrest. Confusing? You bet it is.

The best thing to do is ask for a lawyer whenever you are being asked questions by the police. Don’t try to charm a police officer out of an arrest, it cannot be done..

Ask a Florida criminal defense attorney for an explanation, go to CAN THE POLICE LIE TO ME? for more information.

In a criminal case that started in Miami, Florida, the Florida Supreme Court ruled that a sex offender may view pornography that doesn’t relate to the “deviant behavior pattern” of their sex crime.

The Florida criminal statute regulating sex offender probation bans possession of materials that “are relevant to the offender’s deviant behavior”.

The Court found the legislature was not banning all pornography for sex offenders.

The South Florida case arose from a Miami man on probation for lewd and lascivious battery. The Miami sex offender violated his Florida probation by possessing pornography.

Originally sentenced to two years of community control followed by eight years of sex offender probation, the violation of probation occurred during the probation portion of the sentence.

For more information on sex offenses and the Florida courts, contact attorney Ralph Behr in Fort Lauderdale, Florida.

Cocaine possession in Florida is charged three ways:

1. Personal use amounts are usually filed as possession cases: a maximum of five years in Florida prison. Drug rehabilitation is offered to first time arrestees with no prior felony convictions.

2. Sale or Delivery of Cocaine carries a 15 year sentence. Proof of a sale, or attempt to sell any amount usually less than 20 grams.

3. Trafficking in Cocaine is charged when over 20 grams is sold, or offered for sale.

Giving cocaine is considered a sale, even if no money is contemplated. Giving a controlled substance (prescription pills) is charged as a delivery or trafficking felony in Florida.

Miami has a Mortgage Fraud taskforce working overtime to grab headlines but many criminal defense lawyers in Broward and Fort Lauderdale view the arrests as a public relations ploy.

Alleging fraud, racketeering, grand theft and money laundering in Miami and Fort Lauderdale, the Miami police arrested 14 mortgage brokers and real estate professionals.

Criminal defense lawyers in Miami, Fort Lauderdale and South Florida are lining up to find new clients and at the same time scrambling to learn how to defend these white collar crimes.

Attorney Ralph Behr of Fort Lauderdale represented mortgage brokers charged with fraud and grand theft during the real estate collapse of the early 90’s. His office has added additional court qualified experts to his defense team of real estate fraud professionals.

If you have been charged or have concerns you may be a target of the criminal investigation in Florida call for a consultation or have your attorney contact our office for a defense review.

Shakespeare wrote Hell hath no fury as a woman scorned.

He never lived in Texas, or Florida for that matter.

Texas has executed 405 convicted murderers since 1976. Florida ranked number five in the US with a total of 64 executions. Utah ranked 20 with six.

Texas also boasts 34 DNA-based exonerations.

Do the math and you’ll find the Texas execution rate has a higher probability of error than a Quija board.

The message is…

Add your voice to those who insist courts and judges in Florida do a better job. That means treating the judicial process like any consumer product: improve it. Insist on better quality trials to reduce the error kill rate.

Florida felony court circuit judges in Broward County, sitting in Fort Lauderdale, preside over more murder trials than are held in most states. Fort Lauderdale has a great number of “Death Qualified” capital homicide attorneys.

Criminal lawyers in Fort Lauderdale and Miami can tell you that prosecutors act too much like cartoonish government workers: get through the work, no accountability no tolerance for criticism, just finaility..that’s good enough. It isn’t.

Fort Lauderdale criminal attorney Ralph Behr is one of the several criminal attorneys who are licensed by the Florida Supreme Court as “Death Qualified” for capital homicide trials.


Is Mickey Mouse afraid of Mini Mouse?

Is there a mouse in the house with a gun?

Disney, citing its Federal fireworks permit, is trying to keep guns out of the hands of the mouseketeers. The NRA says this means war!

Florida’s newly minted “take your guns to work” law has Disney in a twit. Citing their Federal fireworks permits Disney is trying to undo the handiwork of guns at work Florida style.

After firing and then re-hiring a gun-toting security guard it’s anyone’s guess what comes next. Will Florida’s hired guns at the AG’s office take aim at Disney in court. Or will Disney go to federal court to enjoin Florida’s new gun law. Only a mouse would guess.

Only Walt knows. Stay tuned and pass the cheese dip.

The following information is provided as a public service.

It concerns the registration requirements of those convicted in Florida criminal courts of sex offenses.

There are two designations in Florida: sexual offenders and sexual predators.

A sexual predator or sexual offender subject to required registration.All offenders must report in person to the Sheriff’s Office in the county in which he/she resides.

Additionally, ReRegistration requirements apply to both sexual predators and sexual offenders who have been released from sanctions for their qualifying sex offense, as well as those currently under some form of supervision with the Department of Corrections, Department of Juvenile Justice, or those under federal supervision.

A sexual predator or juvenile sexual offender adjudicated must report in person to the Sheriff’s Office in the county in which he/she resides or is otherwise located to ReRegister FOUR times per year- once during the month of his/her birth month and every 3rd month thereafter.

A sexual offender that has not been adjudicated delinquent, must report to the Sheriff’s Office in the county in which he or she resides.

A sexual offender who has been convicted of a crime or crimes in the statute sections listed below must report in person to the Sheriff’s Office in the county in which he/she resides or is otherwise located to ReRegister FOUR times per year- once during the month of his/her birth month and every 3rd month thereafter:

Section 787.01, where the victim is a minor and the offender is not the victim’s parent or guardian
Section 787.02, where the victim is a minor and the offender is not the victim’s parent or guardian
Section 794.011, excluding s. 794.011(10)
Section 800.04(4)(b), where the court finds the offense involved a victim under 12 years of age or sexual activity by the use of force or coercion.
Section 800.04(5)(b)
Section 800.04(5)(c)1., where the court finds molestation involving unclothed genitals or genital area
Section 800.04(5)c.2., where the court finds molestation involving unclothed genitals or genital area
Section 800.04(5)(d), where the court finds the use of force or coercion and unclothes genitals or genital area.
Any attempt or conspiracy to commit such offense.

A violation of a similar law in another jurisdiction.

A sexual offender subject to registration who has not been adjudicated delinquent and who has not been convicted of one of the crimes listed above must report to the Sheriff’s Office in the county in which he/she resides or is otherwise located to ReRegister TWO times per year- once during the month of his/her birth month and every 6th month thereafter.


25% of all prisoners in the entire world are in U.S. prisons.

The U.S. has 5% of the world population.

Why? The U.S. puts more people in prison for theft, forgery, bad checks, drug possession then any other nation in the world.

USA: 751 people in prison for every 100,000 in population.

If you count only adults in the U.S. one in every 100 is in jail or prison.

Only Russia comes closes with 627 for every 100,000 people.

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