The United States Attorney for South Florida announced mortgage fraud convictions of Vincent Artuso and John Artuso. Both were sentenced to 108 months of prison.

Restitution of $5,814,000.00 was ordered. Both were convicted of mortgage fraud and RICO as well as money laundering.

Many real estate professionals and mortgage brokers have been drawn into an ever widening prosecution by the Statewide Prosecutor of Florida and the United States Attorney for Southern Florida.

If you have been arrested, charged, or are the subject of an active investigation you need a south Florida criminal attorney who specializes in Federal and State criminal charges. Mortgage fraud defenses are a specialty of attorney Ralph Behr, with offices in Fort Lauderdale. Attorney Behr represents many accused of crimes in Fort Lauderdale, Palm Beach, Miami and all of South Florida. Call for a free consultation.

Florida Federal Criminal Cases: Mortgage Fraud

The US Attorney for the Middle District of Florida convicted and sentenced Brian Albritton to tens years for mortgage fraud.

The allegations are that staring in 2004 he participated in a mortgage rescue operation for homeowners at risk of foreclosure. The allegations are a scheme to defraud through straw man transfers.

In South Florida the US Attorney and Fort Lauderdale (Broward) and Miami prosecutors are building mortgage fraud cases. South Florida criminal attorneys are learning how to defend these cases.

If you have been arrested or are under investigation seek an experienced South Florida criminal defense attorney for a consultation. Information is the best way to protect yourself. An experienced South Florida criminal attorney can advise you on mortgage fraud prosecutions and how they are handled by prosecutors in Miami, Fort Lauderdale and Palm Beach.


Our friends at the US Supreme Court have taken a refreshing step towards the rule of law by pulling back out-of-control federal sentences.

The Supreme Court ruled that a federal appeals court cannot enhance a sentence unless asked to by the prosecutor. Although it seems wrong it is now a step in holding back re-sentencing by appeals court judges who did not sit on a trial.

Federal prosecutions are more likely to result in convictions and harsher sentences than in State courts. If you have been arrested in Fort Lauderdale, Miami or Palm Beach call a South Florida criminal defense attorney. Attorney Behr offers free consultations.

The DUI punishments in Florida have been increased. Starting October 2008 fines are doubled for first DUI convictions to $500. A maximum of $1000 fine can be imposed on a first DUI conviction in Fort Lauderdale, South Florida, Broward, Miami and West Palm Beach.
In Florida a breath-alcohol reading of .15 now doubles or enhances punishments for DUI convictions.

If you have been arrested in South Florida on a DUI charge it is now more important than ever that you seek a good South Florida, Fort Lauderdale, criminal attorney. You can defend yourself when you know the law. Seek and obtain a Fort Lauderdale criminal attorney and protect your rights!

South Florida, Fort Lauderdale and Miami , have become a hotbed of prosecution for mortgage fraud.

The US Attorney, Broward, Miami and Palm Beach State Attorneys (prosecutors) and the Florida Attorney Generals Office of the Statewide Prosecutor have filed several dozen criminal prosecutions in Fort Lauderdale and Miami in both State and Federal Courts.

These investigations involving mortgage fraud have taken off and are growing. Prosecutions in Fort Lauderdale and Miami have become a daily grind in the local news. The charges of fraud and property investment schemes related to the mortgage market are being prosecuted as follows:

Fraudulent application: Applicants and mortgage brokers are accused of falsifying income status of the buyers or investors to reflect false reports of employment history, income forms, asset statements or credit record.

Flipping: When a buyer or investor pays a low price for a property then sells it at a higher price by falsifying statements to the lender.

Duplicate Statements: One settlement statement is provided to the seller, it shows one price for the property. A second settlement statement is presented to a lender: It shows a higher property value. A loan is given based on the higher value, and the excess loan proceeds is taken by the “actors”, i.e. those accused of mortgage fraud.

In Florida DUI cases a blood alcohol reading from a breath-test device allows the prosecutor to tell the jury that the defendant is presumed intoxicated.

The breath-test machines, usually an Intoxilizer (brand) were upheld again by a Florida court.

The over 200 DUI cases in South Florida, Broward and Dade (Miami) that were stopped until the decision are now back in court.

If you have been arrested for a DUI in Fort Lauderdale, contact attorney Ralph Behr for a free consultation.

All my loyal blog readers have a chance to let me know what to do about the law. Vote by emailing me at
A YES vote means: yes: the jury should hear from the judge about the penalty (jail sentence) if they convict a defendant.
A NO vote means: No: the jury should not hear the possible sentence if they convict.
If you have a reason to vote yes or no I’d like to hear it. I will let you know how the voting went on October 15th. Thanks, R Behr

The FBI announced that violent crime dipped nationwide in calendar year 2007.

Robbery, murder, armed drug trafficking, manslaughter remain among the most “popular” crimes for prosecutors in Miami, Fort Lauderdale and Palm Beach.

The report states that two years of increases in murders, robberies and other kinds violent crimes in U.S. cities decreased by 0.7% from 2006.

Burglaries and armed home invasions, carjacking car thefts, arsons and property crimes decreased 1.4%.

If you or a family member has been arrested, you need representation. Contact a Fort Lauderdale criminal defense attorney for a free consultation.

The US Attorney for the Southern District of Florida (Miami, Fort Lauderdale, West Palm Beach) arrested Magile Cruz. Cruz is alleged to have participated in $24,000,000 of allegedly fraudulent mortgages.
There has been a lot of political pressure on prosecutors in Miami, Fort Lauderdale and Palm Beach to arrest and prosecute mortgage brokers.
The Law Offices of Ralph Behr has defended mortgage brokers and realtors as far back as the 1980’s when there was a rush to prosecute. Many innocents went to prison, and it is happening again.
If you need a criminal defense attorney in Broward, Fort Lauderdale, or West Palm Beach, contact attorney Behr.

The press release from the US Attorney is available for viewing. Attorney Behr’s credentials appear on his website. Call now the phones are answered 24/7.


Criminal defense attorneys who are familiar with securities law prosecutions, and white collar crime are often certified Arbitrators for the National Association of Security Dealers (The NASD).

Knowing securities law is essential if a lawyer is defending someone for a white collar crime, money laundering or mortgage fraud arrest.

If you have been accused of a white collar crime or with a securities iviolation call Attorney Behr for a consultation.

The NASD is the agency that supervises and enforces securities laws affecting the NY Stock Exchange, Stock Brokerages firms, dealers, and “associated persons”.

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