If you’re under probation for any conviction, you are under contract with the State to maintain certain restrictions and activities. There are different types of probation you may be under.

Administrative probation means:

a form of noncontact supervision in which an offender who presents a low risk of harm to the community may, upon satisfactory completion of half the term of probation, be transferred by the Department of Corrections to nonreporting status until expiration of the term of supervision.

Administrative probation is only one type of probation out there. You may be under community control, drug offender probation, or sex offender probation. All are serious matters and must be dealt with accordingly. It’s your life and if you want to keep it on track, you are advised to follow orders as specified in your specific case.

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Have you ever been in a situation where self-defense was warranted? Harmful force to yourself may be met with equal force in defense, in most scenarios involving civilian to civilian confrontation. Self-defense is a defense commonly asserted by someone charged with a crime of violence, such as battery (striking someone), assault with a deadly weapon, or murder. The defendant admits that she did in fact commit the crime, but claims that it was justified by the other person’s threatening actions.

This means that you do not have to wait until you are struck the first blow in order to strike your own, in most cases. You must be VERY SURE that if you deliver force it will prevent the unavoidable injury of the aggressor’s deliberate and violent actions to your self.

In the State of Florida, if you are struck with a garden hose, you cannot use a firearm in self-defense. Yet if you are imminently about to be attacked with a knife or firearm by an aggressor or aggressors, you may use deadly force to prevent injury or death to your body.

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With the economy tanking, those who took advantage of the situation are now feeling the heat. Anthony Dehaney, 57, was sentenced to 8 years in prison for concocting a $12 million mortgage fraud scheme that helped slide the Florida market and economy further downward than it already was. He pled guilty to conspiracy, mail fraud and bankruptcy fraud.

The criminal proceedings for the Jamaican national were in order and final in verdict. The defendant stated during trial that he started in 2002 by investing in real estate. Egged on by other mortgage professionals, he let the details slide on loan applications. Dehaney admitted to fudging mortgage loan applications on no less than 20 properties in Broward county from Jan 03 to Aug 06. Some lofty properties noted in the report were that of 3 different properties on 26th Street located in Wilton Manors and a Coral Springs home valued at $1.4 million.

US District Judge William Dimitrouleas viewed the sentencing as a “signal to others tempted to skirt the law ‘to make a quick easy buck’ .” Dehaney’s actions were only a drop in the pool of what has caused banks to lose millions.

This particular case has also been noted as one of the most severe in sentencing of any mortgage fraud case, even going over the prosecutor’s recommendation of a 5 year prison term.

The sentence–among the toughest to date in a mortgage fraud case–exceeds a prosecutor’s recommendation for a roughly five-year prison term. “As real estate prices escalated, things were moving so fast no one realized what they were doing,” he said. “Everyone was trying to make money.”

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Willie H. Nowell’s death sentence was overturned recently by the high court. Nowell and his accomplice were charged with the following:

(1) first-degree premeditated murder; (2) attempted first-degree premeditated murder; (3) killing of an unborn child by injury to the mother; (4) armed burglary of a structure while inflicting great bodily harm or death; (5) robbery with a firearm while inflicting great bodily harm or death; (6) kidnapping while inflicting great bodily harm or death; (7) another count of kidnapping while inflicting great bodily harm or death; (8) grand theft of a motor vehicle; (9) possession of firearm by convicted felon (Bellamy); and (10) possession of firearm by convicted felon (Nowell)

A new trial of his previous first-degree murder conviction was ordered with new directions for the re-do trial. This decision by the court is unprecedented and extremely rare as the court almost never overturns death penalty cases.

The original issue seen by Supreme Court judges was that the trial court judge had “made a mistake “by not not ruling that the prosecutor had made improper comments during his closing arguments in the trial’s penalty phase, by arguing that Nowell didn’t deserve “mercy.” ” Further questionable acts were discovered in the juror filtering of a Hispanic individual thought to be based on his race.

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Residents of a quiet community in the area were disturbed by graffiti found on the white wall separating Shady Banks from Davie Road and I-95. ”It’s a big surprise,” said Paul DaCosta, 56, who has lived on the street for the past 36 years. “What was written is really offensive.”

Swastikas and various slurs against police were found painted in bright orange. Phrases like “No police state” and “Cops kill” were found scattered on the wall in this small dead-end road. ”I can’t imagine it being a real hate crime,” said Blake Plyler, 25, who moved into the neighborhood last May. Plyler did find the messages “troubling” but hasn’t seen gang activity in the area since he moved in.

Neighbors in the community said they have never seen something like this before and equated it to a threat on the homeowners. ”That’s what got everybody up in arms,” said Flak, 42, who called police after seeing the orange scribbling when retrieving something from his car.

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If you have a federal or Florida State conviction for a felony and reside in the State of Florida, you CANNOT own or possess a firearm as designated per 2008->Ch0790->Section%2023#0790.23″ target=”_blank”>F.S. 790.23. A firearm is 2008->Ch0790->Section%20001#0790.001″ target=”_blank”>defined:

…any weapon (including a starter gun) which will, is designed to, or may readily be converted to expel a projectile by the action of an explosive; the frame or receiver of any such weapon; any firearm muffler or firearm silencer; any destructive device; or any machine gun. The term “firearm” does not include an antique firearm unless the antique firearm is used in the commission of a crime.

If you have been wrongfully arrested and accused in South Florida, Miami, Fort Lauderdale, or any city in Broward County, of displaying, discharging, or owning a firearm under any of the aforementioned conditions or other related ones, Attorney Behr is ready to answer any questions you may have. With over 30 years experience, Attorney Behr has acquired the fortitude and confidence to handle all gun related charges you may be charged with.

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James Ray Booth, 59, once a convict serving a life sentence, now serves a 10 year sentence. He was charged in 2006 with first-degree murder yet acquitted of aggravated battery and armed burglary recently this year in a new trial. The jury found nevertheless guilty of third-degree murder and aggravated assault with a firearm, two charges that were of lesser severity than former charges.

The lengthy legal procedings in court with Prosecutor Pete Magrino and the suspect’s attorney, Patricia Jenkins, argued over legal semantics. The final verdict was two consecutive life sentences and 20 years in prison for possession of a firearm by a convicted felon.

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Some predict Barack Obama, the President-Elect, to become one of the most stringent opposers of anti-gun control legislation. Record numbers of concerned citizens have gone in droves to gun stores across the state to purchase firearms they would otherwise have never bought.

Florida Law states that one must maintain a Concealed Weapons License if carrying a weapon on your person, yet no license is required for ownership in one’s place of residence or business.

With the boom in firearm sales and similar products thought to made illegal by Obama’s upcoming administration, please be careful and safe in the storage, handling, and usage of said firearms.

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Over the summer of 2008, Haiti was hit hard by four consecutive hurricanes and tropical storms almost immediately after experiencing multiple food riots. Displaced by the storms were thousands of people, many were left starving. With no help from distant humanitarian aid, the future looks more bleak than ever.

Though recovery efforts have slowly commenced, much of Haiti remains in a state of destruction. 40,000 people are in make-shift shelters, and severe proper food sustenance issues have risen. Yet deportation levels are on the rise, according to national statistics.

Following the destruction of the inclement weather over Haiti, deportation flights of Haitian nationals had been suspended following serious concern from immigration advocates and political party offices. While the following sudden resumption of deportations is not a positive sign, the way in which Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) went about implementing this change is cause for controversy.

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The winter holiday season is one of good times and cheer. But drinking does not mix in with driving your car back home from that pub where you melted away your woes from the work day.

Troopers say winter is the most dangerous time of the year because more drivers hit the road after one, two, or even more drinks after holiday parties. This added together with more motorists traveling at all hours for gatherings, and the combo all too often leads to tragedy.

If you find yourself unable to drive home, call 800-AAA-HELP for a free tow and ride courtesy of AAA.

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