Articles Posted in Crime News

South Florida, Miami and Fort Lauderdale have more judges on TV than any other State. Why? Miami and Fort Lauderdale have more colorful judges hearing more criminal trials then the TV moguls can shake a TV ad rate card at high rolling sponsors.
Among our now famous South Florida crime stoppers are: David Young,Cristina Penya, Judge Alex Ferrar, Judge Karen Mills. Fort Lauderdale criminal lawyers are awating news from our former Judge who sent one of the Seminole Indians most famous hotel guests into the Broward coroner’s freezer.

2008 is a bumper year for new criminal laws.

Soon the prosecutors of Florida will have a new statute to use against those arrested in Miami and Fort Lauderdale. The Anti-Gang crime statute.
Singed into law it is now a first degree felony punishable by life in prison for those designated as leaders or organizers of criminal gangs to initiate, organize or pay for gang activities.

South Florida criminal defense lawyers are waiting for the State Attorney to sweep up 7th graders at local McDonalds there for after-school burgers and gang meetings.

Senate President Jeff Atwater of North Palm Beach sponsored the bill. He called it the legislature’s taking back street corners from criminals.

The law offices of Ralph Behr issued a press release to the Fort Lauderdale, Broward and Miami community newspapers advising them of the new law and its implications. South Florida is long in the news when it comes to crime: drug crimes, violation of probation and murders.

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