
South Florida Criminal Defense Lawyer Blog


Violation of Probation Is A Serious Matter

If you’re under probation for any conviction, you are under contract with the State to maintain certain restrictions and activities. There are different types of probation you may be under. Administrative probation means: a form of noncontact supervision in which an offender who presents a low risk of harm to…


Florida Authorizes Force in Defending Yourself from Force

Have you ever been in a situation where self-defense was warranted? Harmful force to yourself may be met with equal force in defense, in most scenarios involving civilian to civilian confrontation. Self-defense is a defense commonly asserted by someone charged with a crime of violence, such as battery (striking someone),…


Florida Supreme Court Overturns Death Penalty Case

Willie H. Nowell’s death sentence was overturned recently by the high court. Nowell and his accomplice were charged with the following: (1) first-degree premeditated murder; (2) attempted first-degree premeditated murder; (3) killing of an unborn child by injury to the mother; (4) armed burglary of a structure while inflicting great…


Felony Possession of Firearms Easiest To Avoid

If you have a federal or Florida State conviction for a felony and reside in the State of Florida, you CANNOT own or possess a firearm as designated per 2008->Ch0790->Section%2023#0790.23″ target=”_blank”>F.S. 790.23. A firearm is 2008->Ch0790->Section%20001#0790.001″ target=”_blank”>defined: …any weapon (including a starter gun) which will, is designed to, or may…


Fearful Citizens Arm Up For Impending Obama Presidency

Some predict Barack Obama, the President-Elect, to become one of the most stringent opposers of anti-gun control legislation. Record numbers of concerned citizens have gone in droves to gun stores across the state to purchase firearms they would otherwise have never bought. Florida Law states that one must maintain a…


Haitian Immigration Woes In South Florida

Over the summer of 2008, Haiti was hit hard by four consecutive hurricanes and tropical storms almost immediately after experiencing multiple food riots. Displaced by the storms were thousands of people, many were left starving. With no help from distant humanitarian aid, the future looks more bleak than ever. Though…

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