Four suspects from Palm Beach County were apprehended after breaking into an elementary school with the intent of stealing laptop computers. This wasn’t the first time the thieves tried this. The first attempt occurred last Memorial Day weekend. A janitor came in to the school to find one of the…
South Florida Criminal Defense Lawyer Blog
Cop Charged By Federal Authorities for Mortgage Fraud
Hidayatullah Ali Khalil, 29, has been charged for providing false information on a mortgage loan application in attempting to purchase two home which would eventually become foreclosed. He was arrested last Thursday on a complaint levied by three separate individuals. The FBI took notice and have in holding in order…
Florida Mortgage Fraud Prosecutions: Part 13
Attorney Behr’s mortgage fraud prosecutions series continues with the following EXCERPT: § 877.54, Fla. Stat. (2009) should be reduced to an attempt because the crime was not completed.108 The defendant reasoned the corporation “…was not deceived as a result of any false representations and issued the check in an attempt…
Florida Prosecutions of Mortgage Fraud: Part 12
Compared and Contrasted Against One Another V. DEFENSES Unlike § 817.545, Fla. Stat. (2009) and two other federal statutes concerning mortgage fraud previously discussed, both § 877.10, Fla. Stat. (2009) and § 817.54, Fla. Stat. (2009) require reliance by a person or entity by the fraudulent activity undertaken in order…
Florida Man on Probation For Impeding Investigation
Michael Hernandez, a computer technician for the Department of Children and Families, is being placed on probation for supplying false information to authorities in their investigation of a former employee’s child pornography case. The Tampa man admitted to deleting files off the person in question’s computer, Al Zimmerman, yet later…
Federal and Florida State Immigration Laws Seeked
On the national forefront of news, family immigration is being fixed by US lawmakers as a source of dishevelment in a currently creaky system. Representatives claim that families have been split apart for years by visa issues for immigrants based on backlogging. “The benefits cannot be overstated,” Honda said. “American…
Florida Prosecutions of Mortgage Fraud: Part 11
Attorney Behr’s mortgage fraud prosecutions series will continue with this portion of the article: Dissimilar to the Florida statute, other states require “…a pattern of residential mortgage fraud…”99 to be proven beyond a reasonable doubt before being adjudicated of a higher penalty. Other states have even set out elemental qualifications…
Florida Man Gets Arrested For Drugs in Relations to a Local Prosecutor
Anthony Mercer, 35, was arrested in possession of a significant amount of drugs located in a Fort Lauderdale warehouse. Mercer is married to a prosecutor in the Broward County State Attorney’s Office and has been for 7 years. While in the warehouse, officers seized atleast an ounce of cocaine and…
Florida Mortgage Fraud Prosecutions: Part 10
Attorney Behr’s mortgage fraud prosecutions series continues with the following EXCERPT: ii. State Dissimilar to legislation by the federal government, the State of Florida and other states have specific promulgated legislation to prosecute mortgage fraud. Florida has three different statutes regarding mortgage fraud. The first two statutes are more concerned…
Florida Mortgage Brokers Caught by SEC
Steven Shrago, a St. Petersburg mortgage broker, has been indicted among many other mortgage brokers in the area of disguising the risks of investing in mortgage backed securities. The original complaint filed against the defendants in the US District Court of Florida claimed that retirees were targeted by falsely marketed…