First: deal with it NOW! Call your Florida criminal defense lawyer and do the following: 1) Read your “Final Disposition” issued by the Judge at your sentencing hearing: note all ‘special conditions’ that were imposed. 2) Read the Florida criminal statute which lists the standard conditions of probation. 3) Have…
South Florida Criminal Defense Lawyer Blog
What Are Federal Criminal Courts and How Do They Differ from Florida Criminal Courts?
Our national government in Washington, D.C. duplicates many Florida criminal laws. Florida criminal laws are enforced by the State of Florida in our State criminal courts. The U.S. government enforces its own set of federal criminal laws in federal criminal courts. Criminal defense attorneys have to be licensed to appear…
Getting Hot Under the White Collar? Federal Prosecutions Go Postal !
Criminal prosecutions, like skirt heights, seem to go up and down with the economy. White collar crimes, such as money laundering, telemarketing fraud, embezzlement, counterfeiting, kickbacks and honest services fraud cases are increasing in federal court. Criminal law doesn’t change, but prosecutors in federal court focus on certain crimes when…
Violation of Probation – The Process in South Florida Criminal Courts
Violation of Probation problems start with a warrant request from a probation officer. If you, or someone close to you, is on probation in Miami, Fort Lauderdale, Hollywood or Palm Beach, start with knowing the terms and conditions of your probation. A Violation of Probation warrant must list the condition…
Federal Drug Trafficking Laws
Florida has its own set of criminal laws. Each State has their own laws. In addition we are all subject to Federal (US government) criminal laws. Both Federal criminal drug trafficking statutes and Florida drug trafficking laws exist and we can be arrested in South Florida and be charged in…
Fort Lauderdale Pre-Trial Release Program Extends Get-Out-Of-Jail-Free Program to Non-Indigent Criminal Defendants
In these hard economic times it is a welcome gift for criminal defendants in Fort Lauderdale jails to be offered GPS bracelets and let out of jail without posting bail. The Pre-Trial Release Program, originally intended for indigent defendants, has broadened itself to embrace criminal defendants who have the financial…
Feds to Push for Arrests in South Florida for “Economic Crimes”
The chief law enforcement officer of the Federal Government (our protectors/masters in DC) Attorney General Eric Holder announced his marching orders: Arrest all those who commit “economic crimes”. In his speech to the National Sheriffs’ Association’s at their 2010 Winter Conference he set out on his warpath to end economic…
What to Ask When Hiring a Federal Criminal Lawyer
Here are a few questions to ask when you are interviewing to hire a federal criminal lawyer: 1. Does he/she have a PACER CM/ECF number? If the answer is “what’s a PACER CM/ECF number? Hang up the phone and call the next lawyer on your list. 2. Does he/she have…
What Is A Federal Criminal Attorney?
Federal criminal lawyers must be current with the explosive increase of Federal criminal laws, federal criminal procedures, federal criminal evidence and the inscrutable PACER Federal online document filing system. It is almost impossible to be an effective and competent lawyer in federal court unless the attorney devotes significant ongoing time…
Violation of Probation in Florida
Probation is a sentence, not a condition of pre-trial release or bond. If you have been placed on probation by a Judge in Florida you need to read and understand the standard conditions of probation. The standard provisions of probation in Florida appear in Florida Statute 948. [Press HERE to…