The answer is there is no “right”, but you can protect yourself or others according to the current Laws in Florida. If you meet the elements of the commonly named statute of “Stand Your Ground” then you have the right to protect you and others from grave bodily harm from…
South Florida Criminal Defense Lawyer Blog
Can Convicted Felons Carry Guns In Florida?
Even if Florida has a “Right to Carry and Bear Arms Law”. That doesn’t mean everyone is allowed to do so. Convicted felons are not allowed to carry or bear arms for the simple fact that they were convicted of a crime and as such they are not allowed to…
Spring is here and South Florida is a great place to some spend time because of the mostly sunny weather. But with the busy streets and crowded businesses comes some angry driving, and inpatient patrons. Just recently road rage has been reported to be increasing in Miami, Palm Beach and…
Our Times And Cell Phone Crimes
In Ohio, a mother was accused and jailed for sending a friend a cell phone video, that depicted she was instructing her 2 year old daughter how to smoke a Marijuana cigarette. In case you were wondering? This is a crime. In Florida, the State could add several charges to…
Tickets Can Become Criminal Offenses
You may have heard the news that many stoplights throughout South Florida, including Palm Springs, West Palm Beach, Coral Gables, and Broward County have cameras attached to them that are in place to monitor red light runners, now processing automated tickets for individuals who ran red lights. However, many of…
Careers in Criminal Justice
I don’t endorse sites, but often we find one that is worthy of mention: is one. If you are interested in a career in the criminal justice system; in criminology, as an investigator, paralegal, or any career field in the criminal justice system, this site is an excellent recourse.…
Florida criminal courts, like most states, recognize the inability to understand the nature of what is going on, and actively participate in your defense, as incompetency: incompetency stops the criminal trial process. If you’ve been charged with a criminal act in Florida, Fort Lauderdale, West Palm Beach, or Miami, and…
Deportations in Miami, Fort Lauderdale and West Palm Beach under the “Secure Communities Act”
South Florida criminal defense attorneys representing people swept up in the homeland security removal process witness horrors of epic proportion inflicted on communities and families in Miami and Fort Lauderdale. Only the United States government can conceive of an oxymoron of such epic portions as a so-called secure communities act.…
Federal Pre Trial Release in Florida’s Federal Criminal Courtrooms
The U.S. constitution makes pre-trial release, called bail or bond, a right. That right exists more in the law then for those arrested in South Florida and charged in federal court. U.S. District Courts are in Miami, Fort Lauderdale and West Palm Beach. Federal courts are for cases and controversies…
Florida’s Convicted Felons Regisitration Laws
Florida has an extensive set of statutes requiring convicted felons to register. In the past these statutes were rarely, if ever and enforced, in Miami, South Florida, Broward Fort Lauderdale and the West Palm Beach area. Things have changed! Within the last six months there’s been an exponential increase in…