With the ever-growing realm of internet crimes, federal prosecutors are upgrading into the times with thoughts of new sentencing guidelines. Michael Dubose at the Justice Department’s Computer Crime and Intellectual Property has warned “cyber-criminals are increasingly using sophisticated technological tools like ‘proxies’ to evade detection and prosecution.” These proxies might be considered as “sophisticated means” in the near future, upping the sentencing on criminals who use them, directly or indirectly.
If you’re not aware of it right now, you might be using a “sophisticated mean” to just view this blog! Many corporations and universities across the country use special network routers and server or proxy protocols to transfer their pipeline internet connections to users in their networks. Someone who downloads an illegal mp3 might get tagged with an extra “sophisticated mean” to their sentence just because it was on a proxied-up internet connection.
Internet crime is on the rise in detection and prosecution, so be careful what and where you download or do on your computer. The eye in the sky, or rather the internet, could be watching you.
Attorney Ralph Behr handles all federal and local criminal matters. He can answer all questions you may have on your specific case. To get an idea on what you should be doing or to retain a qualified lawyer immediately, call his law offices in Fort Lauderdale at 800-761-3446 and schedule your free consultation one on one with Mr. Behr. With over 30 years of experience in a variety of law areas, you can rest assure that anything and everything will be done for your case. Don’t hesitate, call today.