A 29-foot US flagged white boat was found to be in possession of roughly $2.5 million dollars worth of marijuana. The Coast Guard boarded the vessel and found the 1250 pounds of pot and offloaded it at Sector Miami soon after detection and seizure. Initially the Coast Guard went on board to conduct a standard safety inspection but then quickly became alerted to the marijuana which was in plain view. This would be Cutter Dolphin’s first drug bust in service for the Coast Guard. The smugglers caught on the ship were detained and transferred into custody of the US Customs and Border Protection. Overall, supervisors said this was one of the largest busts in recent history and a proud first for the crew of the Cutter Dolphin and Sector Miami Coast Guard division.
Drugs from cocaine, ecstasy, methamphetamine, LSD, marijuana, or any other controlled substance are typical cases handled by Attorney Ralph Behr in the course of his work week at the county and federal courthouses. His Fort Lauderdale law offices are located down the street from the Fort Lauderdale courthouse and are accessible every day of the week from 8am to 6pm. Please call and schedule your appointment with Mr. Behr himself.